Laurie Millo

Divine Channel and Sacred Messenger

Divine Healing

Renew and Elevate Your Spirit 

Healing Your Whole Being: Emotionally, Mentally, Physically and Spiritually

A Divine Healing session is a unique and transformative experience that offers deep healing to bringing harmony, balance, peace, and alignment to your mind, body, and spirit.

Living in the physical world is an extraordinary experience, there is so much wonder and amazement around every turn we take and every opportunity that arises. There are incredible and new adventures in every nook and cranny of this planet. We came into physical form to enjoy this experience to the fullest, to be happy and joyful, and to play in the sandbox of time and space.

Even with all the fun and exploring there are times the human experience can become complex, and we can experience events that can be challenging and even heartbreaking. Whether these experiences are physical injury, relationship challenges, a stressful day at work, or the death of a loved one; these experiences have an impact on our entire being: the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of our lives.

When challenging and difficult times arise in our lives, we might not realize what is happening in our physical bodies or to our mental state, and this can have a profound effect on our health, well-being, and our spirit.

To remain in balance and harmony, and to keep in the flow of the universal rhythm, it is essential that these four pillars of life be nurtured and attended to.

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When we have a disagreement with another person, we may feel hurt by what was said to us.  This could leave us feeling unloved and disconnected from others, leaving our minds to replay the experience over and over again, creating negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves or the other person.

When we have a bad car accident, we may heal physically, but we may experience fear and anxiety every time we get back into the car, keeping us from feeling free and joyful.

When we lose someone that we love, we may feel lost, lonely; miss having this person in physical form with us. The grief and sadness can be hard to bear, creating uncertainties on how to navigate our life going forward.

When a relationship ends, we may know that this is for the best, but we may experience emotions having us feeling self-doubt and rejection, keeping us from remaining open for another partnership or showing ourselves love.

These experiences and others can have a profound effect and hinder our physical well-being, our mental clarity, our emotional balance, and our spiritual growth.

This Energy Healing Realignment is a heart-centered connection that influences and brings harmony to the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of ones self.

Our overall health and quality of life are affected by our energy systems.  

This powerful session helps to restore and balance our energy systems that have been depleted due to stress, illness, injury, grief, medical conditions, surgery, or medical treatments, and every day life experiences. The intention of a Realignment is to renew, harmonize, and rebalance the human energy system by creating an optimal environment to enable the body’s innate tendency for healing and transformation to occur.

For over a decade, I have been working with my clients to help them move through life experiences that created blocks, fears, unbalanced energy, and resistance, allowing them to break through what was holding them back from experiencing optimal health, peace and complete joy. Guiding them to re-new and restore their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their life, bring it all together on a new and higher level for them.

The beauty of this powerful session is that I will channel and invite your nonphysical loved ones, helpers, and guides to assist with your healing and aligning your energy systems. Such a deep healing experience will assist you in letting go of experiences, thoughts, habits, and beliefs that you might not even realize are having a unhealthy effect on your life.

Work with me to connect to the Divine Energy within you so you can heal and transform

Some positive effects you may be aware of after this 60 minute session are:

mental clarity and focus

feeling lighter and expanded

increased energy and positive thoughts

emotional stability

deep calmness and relaxation

a sense of support and guidance

physical well-being

released energy blocks

reduced pain and anxiety

relief from tension, stress, and depression

reduced effects of trauma and chronic pain

deeper spiritual connection to self and the Divine Energy

Are you ready for a deep healing and transformational experience??

To prepare for your Energy Healing Realignment session

Have water and tissues available. Consider lighting a candle or burning  incense.

Most importantly be in a space where you will not be distracted or interrupted. Make sure you have space where you can lay down, be it a bed, the floor with a mat and pillows or on your couch.

Make sure you have everything to make yourself comfy and cozy for our time together.

An Energy Healing Realignment can be provided long distance because energy is not limited to time or distance.

An Energy Healing Realignment is just as powerful whether working with someone in person or at a distance.

Deep Transformation
I have been working with Laurie for about ten years, each experience brings me to a place of deeper transformation, more peace, and unconditional love for myself. Laurie provides a calm, warm, loving, and supportive environment that welcomes transformation and powerful healing. The realignment work that Laurie provides has helped me release stagnant energies, emotions, and old patterns that were not serving me any longer. I was able to heal the hurt that was preventing me from moving forward in my Life. The encouragement and guidance I received from Laurie has helped bring me to a place of freedom in letting go of the past, understanding, and deep healing within myself.
I feel lighter, and happier.
Laurie is truly gifted and exudes Love and Light.
Thank you, Laurie!
Michelle R
Shelton, CT